Bishop launches appeal to help feed poor ahead of lockdown

Bishop launches appeal to help feed poor ahead of lockdown

Bishop Pablo Virgilio David of Kalookan. SCREENSHOT/DIOCESE OF KALOOKAN

By CBCP News

August 2, 2021

Manila, Philippines

A Catholic diocese has launched a campaign of helping local food banks ahead of a two-week hard lockdown in Metro Manila.

Bishop Pablo Virgilio David of Kalookan said the “Feed the Hungry” campaign is aimed at feeding the poor and homeless people.

Scarcity of food, according to him, is the one of the biggest problems faced by the poor during this pandemic.

He said that lockdowns for the poor “can mean hunger, especially those who are daily wage earners, those who live a hand-to-mouth existence”.

Donations, he said, will be used to support food banks in the diocese’s 15 mission stations located in areas heavily congested and populated by the poorest of the poor in the cities of Caloocan, Navotas and Malabon.

“We invite you to join us in our fight against hunger and malnutrition. Please support our community pantries,” David said.

Metro Manila will return to enhanced community quarantine (ECQ)— the strictest form of lockdown— from August 6 to 20 to contain the spread of Covid-19 cases due to the contagious Delta variant.


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