

Dear People of God in the Diocese of San Carlos,

In his encyclical, Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home, Pope Francis reminds us that “all Christian communities have an important role to play in ecological education” (LS, 214). Last year Pope Francis continued this invitation to care for creation through his World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation message, Show Mercy to our Common Home.”

This weekend – April 22-23, 2017, there is a wonderful opportunity for our Diocese to continue its journey toward ecological conversion through the #Mercy2Earth initiative. #Mercy2Earth is a global initiative organized by the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) to encourage Catholics to learn about Pope Francis’ Show Mercy to our Common Home” message and put it into action.

The campaign which started last Lent (March 1-April 13) in some places will culminate on #Mercy2Earth Weekend, April 22-23, when 2 important celebrations take place, Earth Day (April 22) and Divine Mercy Sunday (April 23). GCCM is promoting this weekend as a moment for Catholics to take action in their parish or communities through educational workshops, energy efficient actions, prayer services, or participating in local advocacy initiatives. The Mercy2Earth guide found on the website indicated below will provide a variety of resources to help us get involved.

The Global Catholic Climate Movement serves the Catholic family worldwide to turn Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ encyclical into action for climate justice, by undergoing our own ecological conversion, transforming our lifestyles and calling for bold public policies together with the wider climate movement. Founded in January 2015, GCCM is a coalition of 400+ Catholic member organizations on all continents including our Diocese with a constituency of nearly 1 million Catholic individuals.

Now is the time for us to act locally to build a healthier climate for future generations by witnessing to what Pope Francis calls, “the Gospel of Creation.” Catholics around the world can raise a collective voice and show their care for our common home by “simple daily gestures which break with the logic of violence, exploitation and selfishness.” (5)

As Christ’s Faithful of the Diocese of San Carlos, I am encouraging you to support our Diocesan involvement in Mercy2Earth initiative so that our faith community can do its part to live into Pope Francis’ invitation to care for our common home. Please check the website below for some suggested activities, resources, and further information.

In Christ’s Peace,

+ Gerardo A. Alminaza
Bishop of San Carlos


For more information, please visit www.Mercy2Earth.org