New nuncio to Rwanda to be ordained archbishop in home archdiocese

New nuncio to Rwanda to be ordained archbishop in home archdiocese

Archbishop-elect Arnaldo Catalan, the new apostolic nuncio to Rwanda. PHOTO FROM MANILA CATHEDRAL

By CBCP News

February 4, 2022

Manila, Philippines

A Vatican official will lead the ceremonies to ordain Monsignor Arnaldo Catalan, the new apostolic nuncio to Rwanda, as an archbishop.

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, will be the principal consecrator at the Manila Cathedral on Feb. 11, Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes.

He will be assisted by Cardinal Jose Advincula of Manila and Archbishop Charles Brown, apostolic nuncio to the Philippines, who will serve as co-consecrators.

Pope Francis on Jan. 31 appointed Msgr. Catalan, the Chargé d’Affaires of the diplomatic mission of the Holy See in the Republic of China (Taiwan), as nuncio to the east African nation.

In keeping with the practice of nuncios having the rank of archbishop, Msgr. Catalan was also designated with the Titular See of Apollonia.

“Iuxta Misericordiam non Deficimus (through mercy, we are not discouraged)” was chosen by the 55-year-old archbishop-elect as his episcopal motto.

His appointment as papal envoy makes him the fifth in the line of Filipino nuncios and the first from the Manila archdiocese.

He has been in the Vatican’s diplomatic service for the past 20 years and served in Zambia, Kuwait, Mexico, Honduras, Turkey, India, Argentina, Canada, and the Philippines.


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