No one should have monopoly of God’s creation, says Cardinal Advincula

No one should have monopoly of God’s creation, says Cardinal Advincula

Cardinal Jose Advincula of Manila delivers his homily during Mass to open the “Season of Creation” at the Manila Cathedral Sept. 1. SCREENSHOT/MANILA CATHEDRAL

By Mariel Celine L. Serquiña

September 1, 2021

Manila, Philippines

The head of Manila’s Roman Catholic Church challenged the faithful to protect God’s creation not as a monopoly, but as “gifts” that must be shared to all.

Speaking during Mass to open the Season of Creation on Wednesday, Cardinal Jose Advincula said that being grateful for the gifts is not enough.

“What we received as a gift, we must give as a gift. Here, the missionary dimension of our Season of Creation comes in,” Advincula said in his homily at the Manila Cathedral.

He stressed that when people do not recognize the gifts that they have received, “we fail to be responsible stewards”.

And once this happens, people will never share God’s gifts to others.

“We may even use the gifts to take advantage of others,” Advincula said.

“Jesus teaches us that gifts must not be monopolized only by the few. Gifts must flow. Gifts must be shared. Gifts must benefit all,” he added.

The Season of Creation spans 34 days of prayerful observance that calls on Christians to pray and care for God’s creation.

It begins September 1, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and ends October 4, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology.

In the Philippines, the celebration extends until the second Sunday of October, the Indigenous People’s Sunday.

“Let us join Pope Francis in his prayer intention for this month of September that we all make courageous choices for a simple and environmentally sustainable lifestyle,” the cardinal said.

“And with the inspiration of St. Francis of Assisi, let us embark on this Season of Creation with gratitude for the gifts we received and with the firm resolve to share and be responsible stewards of God’s gifts,” he added.


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